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Thursday, June 12, 2008

Thanks for the Memories..

Note: Written in times of philosophical ideas so don’t laugh :P

It’s not the end, it’s only just the beginning

These words have so many different meanings. Lately, I’ve been interpreting it through my own personal experiences, especially the ones that have happened recently.

It’s not the end, it’s only just the beginning. The end of high school. For awhile, it felt like it was the end of life, honestly, because you know, I’ve became so used to living in Jakarta. But I realized something during the last year there. I’ve got to get my mind into the reality that I’m leaving this place. So slowly, I’ve gotten myself to accept what has yet to happen.

But then the next few months came. Certain complications arose from my family, friends, and something else. Something that was probably the last thing I thought would happen. At first, I didn’t think it wasn’t going to a big deal but then as time flew by, I quickly realized how wrong it was. It became a huge deal. And it made leaving the whole thing 1000 times harder. I know now that’s its probably not going to happen for a very long time. Nothing else will make it change. It happened. I’m glad and sad that it happened at the same time. I’m glad for all the memories that I’ve gotten to experience but at the same time, sad because it was just over a short period. But that’s what life has to offer you.

I believe that everything happens for a reason. Tough enough, the way the world moves decides for it to move on. L

During May 30th (Friday) at around 10:30, I’ve said goodbye both to the true friends that I had grew up for many years and to the place that I’ve grew up with. Everywhere in Jakarta feels oh so familiar probably because I passed around it 2000 times.

Getting to Manila, was no problem. I’ve already been here during vacation times so I’ve gotten used to the culture and whatnot. However, what was different now and the vacation time was the feeling of going back home. The place where I used to call my vacation place was now called home.

Despite its similarities of environment (a combination of congestion, pollution, and traffic), it definitely feels different. Yet there are some elements that have helped me get pass through the homesickness and nostalgic memories. Photos, letters, , my laptop, handphone, and many more. Basically any means of memorabilia and communication makes it easier.

There are times where I become super excited in what college life has yet to offer me, but then it gets hit by times of homesickness. It sucks.

I’ve discovered the true meaning of friendship. I may not have realized it until a few weeks ago, where I come to realize that these certain group of people really care about me. And because of that, I feel special. I respect and deeply admire each and every one of them. What I really want is a high school reunion in 5 years. These are the people who I grew up since I was 7 or 8 years old. It’s pretty sad how we spent so many years with each other and then we got to part in our different ways. I guess that’s how it makes memories extra special. We tend to value our times together and it’ll be cherished more.

They say that college is the best years of your life. I hope with everything inside of me, that this is true.

Let’s see if it really is….

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