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Thursday, July 17, 2008

The Distance..

Serendipity is love.
Writing is my air here. Without it, I'll probably suffer from all the feelings bottled up inside of me. I have so much to tell, but the thing is, the person to tell it is non-existent. Hopefully for now.
The friends I have are friends..but I still don't have that certain someone or people like I did back in Jakarta. I know that it won't appear in front of you. I know it'll take time to find it. I just hate the adjustment period.
I just miss having that 'home' place. I'm starting to feel it physically, but emotionally, my heart is still in Jakarta. What I had back there. I've been hearing, seeing photos back in Jakarta and I really want to come back and visit. The way I left it wasn't that great, and I guess I want to give almost a final closure for it.
When I write about things, it's usually about this topic. I guess I'll talk more about the environment that I actually live in right now.
Well, maybe next time. It's almost bedtime right now.
My health isn't working out with me. My stomach is still big as usual and I have an eye stye or catalzion or whatever they call it. Basically it's a lump underneath my eyelid. And I'm having my third ear infection this past month. Arghh, maybe it's because of how many times I clean my ears. I noticed these past few days, every time I clean my left ear, there's this yellow wax, like almost neon yellow. It's freaky, and I could tell that I'm going to have another ear infection. Arghh, I hate it! It's soo annoying.
Music is the air that I breathe. The music that I listen (I'm finally given the space to explore my musical interests!) are so awesome. Despite a few guilty pleasures, I've downloaded musique from Guster, Radiohead, and many more. It's only just the beginning. I really want to explain this in-more depth once I have the interest for it. And it involves someone else. I guess you know who it is. Radiohead is such an interesting band. I should have bought their cds back in Jakarta. Oh well, next time.
I need to have someone to talk to. I mean really talk to. I guess I'm still on that path. Other than that..let's just see how it goes.

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