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Thursday, July 3, 2008

Waiting in Vain..

Last night, I was supposedly researching to meet all the requirements for GUIDON (which I so want to be a part of badly.) and then all of a sudden, a wake of homesickness washed over me.
It was really weird.
Like I started to read about Say Anything and Serendipity (both starred by John Cusack) and then I remembered to think about the time when me and him watched it in Subtitles. That place holds lots of memories, believe me. I'm not going to share a lot of them here, but the first movie we watched there was Say Anything. We couldn't decide on a movie to watch, and while we were looking at the comedy section, I saw this movie and I told him that we just got to watch this.
OMG. Have you ever have that feeling where you can totally relate to the movie because there are some certain elements that resembles to your life situations? Well, I felt the same way and hopefully, I wished he thought of it as well!
Well, the story was about this guy that has been in love with the pretty yet brainy chick in high school. They just recently graduated (with her being the valedictorian) and he decides to make a move and asks her to go with him to this house party. After a little reluctance, she decides to go with him.
Her life's been quite strict, since it's just her and her father in the family. Her father is a little bit overprotective (like so many dads are), but at the same time, they are really close.
They start to spend more time together and they fall head over heels in love.
She's going to London (ahem) for college. He doesn't know what to do. Realizing this, she decides to break up with him (giving him a pen as a result).
In summarized words, they eventually realize they're really in love with each other and then he goes to London with her.
I soo want to watch Say Anything again. I want to be in his arms while I watch it.
Sorry, I can't really make a really good review.
Serendipity is just as awesome.
If I can find a customized shirt shop here, I'll make one that says I <3 Lloyd Dobbler
Plus, it's been awhile since I listened to Annie Lennox's version of 'Waiting in Vain'
And when I heard it agian last night, I almost cried =(
Okay, I have so much things to do here
College is fun, but at the same, it's pretty demanding.
You can't meet up to everyone's expectations.
Hopefully I can meet my fate here.
I'm letting go to everything lazy. But it'll take time =(

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