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Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Simple Life..

here's my daily rants, raves, and tantrums of COLLEGE LIFE.
First of all - Academics.
I think I'm not going to do well in my first semester. It's all because of my habits that I always had back in high school. I must change before I can improve everything better. I don't know, as much as I try to, I can never be really good in math..or botany. The others I can manage I guess, except for those two subjects. math especially. It's like the process in my head but then I can't put it into paper during class. The other people seem to be so much prepared and faster than me. I hate math here in college. Botany is so arghh, I haven't taken science in over the year and now all the DNA and RNA info is out of my head. Argh, tommorow we even have a long exam. next week is our math long exam.
I tend to be one of the quieter ones in class. As much as I want to sometimes, I can't really speak up, because I'm scared of what other people will talk about.
My stomach is bulging up because it has digested canned goods and cereal. Frankly, I don't know what is healthy and which is not anymore.
arghh, well there are some eye candies, but then my heart still belongs to him. I think about him constantly, especially the time where we'll meet again. I still imagine that in four years from now, we'll be together. Through fate. Fate just wants us to explore the world for awhile before it goes on. I don't knjow whether two months or years from now that I'll look at this and laugh because of how 'loved up' I was. Well, I just want to say to my future self, that right now, it feels real. And I want to be with him =)
my mom's going to be leaving tommorow and i'm going to miss everyone like hell. But that doesn't mean that I'm going to just sit and weep. I'm going to make up the time till the next time I'll meet them again. I'm going to study my ass off and have fun while doing it. I'm going to explore the real world and find my identity along the way. I'm going to meet new people and establish new relationships.
It's a whole new world here. And I'm just standing here.
=) Wish me luck (especially for the math exam! and botany exam! shite)

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